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The Hammond Jazz Inventory

Jimmy Smith - Portuguese Soul

Orghammogram focus

Vince Seneri quote
Joey has left the company.

Selono Clarke - Diversity #2 by Seleno Clarke

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Bluesbastards - Who's Plumber

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Swingmatism - Live Update

Jan Kořínek and Groove - Groovin' For Little V

T.C. Pfeiler

Willis Jackon - Please Mr. Jackson

René Thomas

Shirley Scott - Superstition

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The sound of music

We are very happy to announce yet another improvement to The Hammond Jazz Inventory. As you might have noticed there is a new menu item titled "Music" in the main menu on top of this page. Clicking it will take you to a page with a streaming media player that is playing all the available music samples in the Hammond Jazz Inventory. See the picture below.

The mediaplayer in action

It will enable you to discover new music by actual sound instead of factual information. Whenever you hear something you like, click on the little triangle in the circle on the righthand side of the current track to navigate to the detail page of the album this track is coming from. We will continue to add track samples to The Hammond Jazz Inventory and hope you will enjoy this new feature.

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Don’t Try This At Home

Laatst plaatste ik weer een nieuw filmpje onder bovenstaande titel op YouTube. Inmiddels heb ik al 42 clipjes gepubliceerd. Het waarom is zeer simpel. In het afgelopen jaar hebben deze clipjes in totaal al meer dan 22.000 hits mogen incasseren. Dat is meer belangstelling dan ik met een jaar spelen zou hebben gegenereerd. Je bereikt ook oren en ogen die je anders nooit zou hebben bereikt en bovendien ook nog eens grotendeels gerichte luisteraars en kijkers. Dan heb ik het nog niet eens over voordelen als geen files, geen gesleep en bovenal geen gezeur als het niet zo ging als gepland.

YouTube is een ideaal medium om je muziek bij een breder publiek bekend te maken.
Natuurlijk, financieel is het geen vetpot en word je er beslist niet rijk van. Maar dat werd ik in het verleden ook niet van de bedragen die wij voor een optreden mochten ontvangen. Want 300,– euro per persoon -in het gunstigste geval- lijkt dan wel wat maar als je alle tijd, moeite en reiskosten voor twee uurtjes muziek maken meerekent, dan kom je uit op een uurloon waar de gemiddelde loodgieter niet voor te porren valt.

Dit nieuwe clipje 'Don't Try This At Home' vormt een prachtig voorbeeld van wat ik het beste kan omschrijven met de term Instant Composing. Instant Composing is een begrip afkomstig uit de USA of uit Nederland. Hier o.a. gebruikt door Misha Mengelberg en Han Bennink met hun ICP (Instant Composers Pool). Eigenlijk vermoed ik, dat het een lichtelijk dubieus begrip is omdat het mogelijkerwijs te danken is aan het feit dat sommige eigentijdse (lees jaren 70) Amerikaanse musici niet geassocieerd wilden worden met jazz, in hun ogen achterhaalde muziek.

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The Prince's Groove.

Vince Seneri - The Prince's Groove

Right now I own two CD's of Vince Seneri, Urban Paradise and Street talk and I really like them. Why? Because Vince Seneri has an organ playing and arranging style that I best can summarize with the statement; "it makes me happy". His style has a quick lightfootedness without handing in quality or in being serious about music which is also emphasized by the quality musicians playing with him. This is why I was very pleased to hear that coming March 10 a new CD of Vince will be released. I am even more delighted that I can listen to it now already. I'm talking about "The Prince's Groove", Vince's first title in which his nickname The Prince - given to him by his fellow musicians - is reflected. This album has some similarities with the two aforementioned CD's. For example, the featured musicians again are all very capable famous experienced artists; Randy Brecker on trumpet and flugelhorn Paul Bollenback on guitar, Dave Valentin on flute, Houston Person playing tenor saxophone, Richie Flores and Gary Fritz doing the percussion work and Buddy Williams hitting the drums. (Why is it drummers are alway mentioned the last, Buddy is not the least).

There are also some differences between The Prince's Groove and the previous albums I mentioned.

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Orghammograms even further improved

Orghammograms are keeping me busy. As the content of The Hammond Jazz Inventory grows (right now we have the details of about 200 Hammond jazz recordings) so do the orghammograms. For example, the last time I recomputed the level 4 orghammogram for John Scofield it took almost an hour to create the 3562 x 3029 pixel graphic. (Actually it takes about 5 minutes, but I do it 10 times and then pick the smallest result). Not only does the time to compute orghammograms increase, also the computer screen size needed to look at them grows. 3652 x 3029 pixels is equivalent to 37 x 31 inches or 94 x 80 centimeters. A new way of looking at orghammograms was needed.

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Raphel Wressing's Organic Trio - Manic Organic

It was in september 2006 that I met Raphael Wressnig at the European Jazz Organist Festival in Cologne, Germany. The festival was a kind of contest for new coming jazz organist. Raphael Wressnig played that night. Not as a contester, he already passed that station, but as a special guest. I was struck by the ravishment with which he tucked into the organ, which wasn't a Hammond that night, but nevertheless. Raphael plays organ in a style that is rooted in the Jimmy Smith tradition but is interweaved with it's own greediness, cheerfulness and a touch of what I call "circus". After the concert we had time to chat and I wanted to by some CD's from him. Raphael gave me "Manic Organic" by The Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio as a present and I promised to write a review about it on The Hammond Jazz Inventory which was still called The Hammond Jazz Scrapbook portal at that time. 16 month's later I am writing it now.

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Den Helder of all places

I found this text in my files, it's more then a year old. Never told you about this excellent concert, what a shame, it has such a nice picture with it.

If people visit Den Helder (Netherlands) it is because they are merely traveling to the island of Texel for a holiday. The city doesn't have a huge positive reputation and it isn't exactly the place where one would expect a top level Hammond jazz concert.

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4 Cats

Today a video that isn't undisputed on You Tube. See for yourself. There's a downside to almost everything. Multiple Hammond B-3 on one stage is kind off uncommon. On top of that we didn't know Paul Shaffer and Doug Riley. More research on to be done.

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A mini concert but really great

Every Hammond jazz lover that was in the neighborhood of Eindhoven, The Netherlands last 30 of June should have come to Musifix to experience that days so called mini concert. Mini concerts are organized every last saturday of the month by Sjaak van Oosterhout, the owner of Musifix. The concept is elegant, simple and cute. Sjaak makes room for a concert hall in his giant workshop stashed with Hammond organs and parts (see picture),

The Musifix workshop

sells really cheap tickets (5 Euro) and pours some coffee, tea and soft drinks. The revenue will go to the artists. These days artists where Rob Mostert on Hammond B-3, Bert Schipper on drums, Trinus de Vries on tenor sax together with singer Lils Mackintosh performed.

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Orghammograms improved

We are happy to announce that our famous orghammograms are improved and are now more tightly integrated as a browsing aid in The Hammond Jazz Inventory. To start, orghammograms are now more easily accessible from the starting profile section on every musician detail page. Orghammograms used to open in a new window thus separating you from the rest of The Hammond Jazz Inventory. Now they open in the same window and have a menu with command buttons above them that enable you to navigate through the site. It's very easy now to go to the musicians detail page from an orghammogram. See the picture.

A new menu

Also, if available, an orghammogram with another level of the same musician can be requested "in place". You can read more about more about orghammograns here or you might want to try a level 2 orghammograms for Tony Monaco and Larry Goldings or a level 1 orghammogram for George Benson to take a random pick. Remember that through the browse menu a thousands of orghammograms can be found.

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100 albums milestone reached, still growing

Lou Donaldons Hot Dog. The hundredth album in The Hammond Jazz Incentory
Today we reached a milestone. We published the hundredth album in The Hammond Jazz Inventory. In fact, as the time of this writing the number of albums has already grown to 102, really!! We have information on stock for another rough 200 Hammond organ jazz albums so the Hammond Jazz inventory will certainly keep growing in the future.

As you might know, everything we publish has a relation to the combination of Hammond (organ) and Jazz. The way Hot Dog made its way in to The Hammond Jazz Inventory is because of Charles Earland, the organist on Hot Dog. As always we listed all the musicians playing and all the songs on the album.

As we add albums to the inventory the Orghammograms for the related musicians get increasingly complex. Check out the orghammogram for Lee Morris who is the drummer on Hot Dog and discover how he is related to other musicians.

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De wolharige mammoet is ook verdwenen

Rasechte optimisten vertellen mij vaak, dat eens het moment komt dat de jazz weer triomfen zal vieren. Dat de jeugd plotseling tot de conclusie komt dat er nog meer muziek is buiten opgefokte hiphoppers en in hun jeugd gemaltraiteerde dj's. Die rasechte optimisten zijn daarvan overtuigd maar hun overtuiging is niet de mijne. Ook brengen ze vaak te berde, dat door beluistering van bijvoorbeeld de wanproducten van dj's St. Germain of Maestro de geïnteresseerde luisteraar toch op zoek gaat naar de oorspronkelijke bron. Hij of zij hoort Grant Green met een fijn St. Germain beat-je erachter en dan is de drang om naar het origineel op zoek te gaan plotseling gewekt. Ik geloof daar niet in.

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Van Merwijks Music Machine

An unusual line up it was indeed on friday night 23 february at the Bimhuis, Amsterdam. Carlo de Wijs on his heavily own customized Hammond B-3 organ, Konkie Halmeier playing two beautiful sounding steelpans, Roberto Vizcaino on his Cuban percussion island and the man giving the band its name, Lucas van Merwijk on drums; Van Merwijks Music Machine. That is two and a half for rhythm and one and a half for tone, a ratio I think represented also roughly the interests of the public that came in large enough numbers to have a full house.

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The Hammond Jazz Inventory is officially live

Orghammogram for John Medeski
After months of hard work we finally reached the stage where we can declare The Hammond Jazz Inventory "Live". Those of you who have visited this site before know it was previously called The Hammond Jazz Scrapbook Portal which was a rather unstructured pile of information and articles on Hammond jazz organ jazz music.

We kept the unstructured information part in the form of a blog with various categories like Concert and Album reviews, random thoughts and video.

In addition to these sections the new incarnation of this website will also contain a very structured database of Musicians, Bands, Albums and Songs which you can browse through and - in the future - search in.

A feature we are very proud of is the ability to create what we will call an orghammogram for every musician that is in our database. An orghammogram is a graphical representation of musicians that are related through one ore more recordings off (funk) jazz (or fusion) music in which the (Hammond) organ plays a significant role. On the left you see an example of such an orghammogram. Not only are they very pleasant to look at but also they are a great way to navigate through our musicians database. You can read more about orghammograms here and here.

We sure hope you will enjoy The Hammond Jazz Inventory

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Hoe het orgel voelt

Het hammondorgel is bij uitstek geschikt om gevoelens mee te verwoorden, maar hoe werkt dat? Hammondorgels zijn duistere dingen. Er draait iets van binnen waar ik geen weet van heb, maar grote krachten teweegbrengt. Sonore geluiden waar je rillingen van krijgt. Diepe roffelende bassen die lijken op een stapel koffers, omvallend in een kast. Of ijle hoge tonen die niet alleen zijn maar opgebouwd blijken uit verschillende dissonanten, zodat je een melancholisch gevoel krijgt. Soms doet het orgel pijn maar het is een lekkere pijn. Het kan in principe nooit te hard, en het aanschakelen van de snelle stand in de Leslie brengt altijd een bevrijding. Een openbaring bijna. Alsof alles opeens wordt verklaard met een engelenkoor, een hemelse climax waarbij alle registers mogen worden opengetrokken. Goede orgelspelers maken optimaal gebruik van de schakelaar slow/fast die de Lesliespeakers bedient.

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Tony Monaco Jazz Organ Monster

Today we have enjoyed this fragment of Tony Monaco Jazz Organ Monster that we would like to share with you.

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