The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Larry Goldings - Quartet

Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz - (Don't Be) Afraid To Groove

Donna Grantis

Jimmy Smith & Joey DeFrancesco

Alberto Marsico - Organ Logistics

Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Don't Stop

How to link to The Hammond Jazz Inventory
By putting up a link to The Hammond Jazz Inventory you will really help this project. On this page we will explain four different ways to create a web link to The Hammond Jazz Inventory.

Experienced html users, of course, can use any picture, copy it to their own site and go ahead. They probably don't need this page anayway.

We are aware of the fact that this method doesn't always work on some bulletin boards or community sites. Refer to these sites' help resources for assistence in putting up web links. We have tested the codes on Myspace and that should work fine.

If you have suggestions for improvement on this page, please let us know here.

A plain text link

If you want a plain text link that looks like this:

The Hammond Jazz Inventory

Copy the html code in this box: and paste it in your own web page.

A small almost square banner

If you want a link in a small almost square banner like this:

Copy the html code in this box: and paste it in your own web page.

A small banner

If you want a link in a small banner like this:

Copy the html code in this box: and paste it in your own web page.

A business card banner

If you want a link in our business card banner like this:

Copy the html code in this box: and paste it in your own web page.