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The Hammond Jazz Inventory

Erminero, Collazzoni, Fewell, Canzano - New Island

Musician focus

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Lorenzo Minguzzi New Organ Trio - N.O.T For Me

Become our friend on Facebook and whenever we publish a new album or write a blog you will know it.

Red Holloway - Keep That Groove Going!

Vince Seneri quote
Joey has left the company.

Jimmy Smith - Root Down

Jimmy Smith - Rockin' The Boat

Richard "Groove" Holmes & Ernie Watts - Come Together

Dr. Lonnie Smith

Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio - Cut A Little Deeper On The Funk

Radam Schwartz

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Ondrej Pivec

Just because we like the music, the poster. We won't make it there, you try.

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Introducing orghammospheres

A detail of Gary Chandler's orghammosphere
On top of our world famous orghammograms we now offer live animated orghammospheres. These in place morphing graphic representations of relationship between musicians that recorded together - on one or more jazz/funk/blues albums on which the organ plays a significant role - enable enhanced navigation through the contents of The Hammond Jazz Inventory. Orghammospheres can be reached from every musicians detail pages. When the orghammosphere for an artist is available for display you can click the highlighted word "Browse" to get to it.

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Our second anniversary

On 22 February 2007 we declared The Hammond Jazz Inventory officially live. Some simple math tells us today is our second anniversary. Congratulations and Wouter, thanks for the cake. Right now The Hammond Jazz Inventory contains the detailed description of more then 375 albums, complete with cover art, track listing and details on personnel. Some more simple math tells us we add an album around every other day. How many jazz organ albums are out there in the world? What would be your guess? We possess around 600, so there is still some work to do.

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Jazz in SF

End of september 2008 I happened to be in San Francisco, CA for the Oracle Open World conference. Apart from picking up quite some knowledge about the latest database technology I also had some nice jazz experiences in the week the conference lasted.

On Monday night I took the ferry to cross the Bay to Oakland and went to see Barbara Dennerlein playing together with drummer Paul van Wageningen and the marvelous guitar player Brian Pardo. The band was going to be introduced by Pete Fallico - the #1 Hammond Jazz ambassador - and they all made me feel very welcome by sharing sushi with me in a small cozy living room backstage at Yoshi's jazz club. No, I don't take pictures of my encounters with people who are important in the Hammond Jazz sphere. I keep the memories for myself or write little stories, like this one, about those occasions.

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Browsing The Hammond Jazz Inventory

This isn't really big news but just to be exact and complete, we let you know. We have changed the name of the "Browse" menu item to "Inventory". We felt that name better suits the entrance to the real and vast amount of information on this site.

Cute, don't you think so?

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Who's who, part 1

As you might know we are trying to build a huge Hammond Organ Jazz discography at The Hammond Jazz Inventory. You can access that discography through the "Inventory" menu in the main menu bar or you can search it using the search textbox at the upper right corner of this site. While gathering information for different reason we sometimes run into questions. For example:

Is Jerome Richardson (Soprano sax, Tenor sax, Alt sax and Bariton sax) who plays on the album A Bag Full Of Blues by Jimmy McGriff the same Jerome Richardson who on plays on the album Stay Loose by Jimmy Smith? And another one: Is Richard Davis (Bass) on the same album, A Bag Full of Blues by Jimmy McGriff, the same Richard Davis who plays on Check This Out by Jack McDuff?

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Site maintenance

This week we have done a little site maintenance. The "Review" menu together with the "Concerts" and "Album" sub-menus have disappeared. The reason being that there was very little activity over there. Due to time and money constraints we don't go to concerts every week. Due to site maintenance and putting together this huge Inventory we don't write an album review every week. The existing concert and album reviews are still there but they have moved to the Blog section of The Hammond Jazz Inventory.

Beside this change we have created this new page with very simple instructions on how to create a nice link - optionally with a banner - to The Hammond Jazz Inventory. We hope you will all use that on you website, Myspace page and whatever you have.

If you have anything so say, if you are happy or disappointed, turn to us.

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Jimmy Smith - Midnight Special

We know you are perfectly capable of finding video you like on Youtube yourself. But once in a while we can't resist to grab one and remind you of what this site - and now we mean The Hammond Jazz Inventory - is all about. Enjoy!

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Looking for a website owner

There used to be this great website - we don't remember the name, maybe it never had a real name - at this address: It has gone now which is a shame. Leaving out the JimmySmith part will take you to a page which says the site has been removed because of exceeded bandwidth allowance. The site used to contain a rather complete Jimmy Smith discography with a lot of details and beautiful high resolution cover art. Do you know the owner of the site or a way to get in contact, please let us know here. We would like to have it back, we'll even offer free hosting.

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Oops, album rating bug fixed.

Our brand new album rating system which was introduced yesterday (see original article) contained a typo that effectively was a bug that caused some versions of Internet Explorer to allow only 1 ratings for albums. We don't want that. The bug is fixed. Go rate some albums.

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Why don't you give us your opinion

Today we added an album rating system to The Hammond Jazz Inventory. Anybody is now able to let us know how he or she values an album. It's really very simple. The following pictures will illustrate the process.

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A merciless swinger

On 20 october Dr. Lonnie Smith gave a concert in the Amsterdam Bimhuis together with Melvin Sparks and Eric Kalb on drums. I had the pleasure to be there. It was a very special night loaded with energy on which the end of the concert - that ended with an encore - appeared to be only a short break followed by an incredible funky and danceable second set. The dutch organist Herbert Noord was so friendly to send us his review of this remarkable evening which we print hereinafter.

Taeke S. Tuinstra

Een genadeloze swinger

De gangbare programmering in het Amsterdamse Bimhuis jut de gemiddelde concertbezoeker niet echt op tot mee klappen of stampen laat staan tot het uitvoeren van danspasjes. Ook de voorgaande keren dat Hammondorganist Lonnie Smith in de hoofdstad de toonwielen van een B3 liet gieren, gaven geen aanleiding om eens wild te gaan bewegen. Prima muziek maar je kon het rustig tot je laten komen. Maandagavond 20 oktober was van een totaal ander kaliber. Hier werden de liefhebbers van en jazz & swing & Hammond & grof geweld & dynamiek & humor & spanning & sensatie getrakteerd op een achtbaan-rit van ongekende allure. De beer was los in het Bimhuis en wel gedurende bijna drie uur!

The Doctor

De op 3 juli 1942 in Buffalo, New York geboren Lonnie kan bogen op een gigantische loopbaan in de jazz die vele markeringspunten heeft gekend. Op internet is een prettige hoeveelheid informatie over zijn muzikale doen en laten te achterhalen. Een interessant pluspuntje vormde de aanwezigheid van gitarist Melvin Sparks (Houston, 22 maart 1946) een musicus die het samenspelen met een fors aantal organisten op zijn conto kan schrijven en al in de zestiger jaren voor Blue Note platen met Lonnie maakte.

Ouwe jongens krentenbrood, die twee dus.

De aankondiging meldde 'Trio Dr. Lonnie Smith', dat trio bleek om tien over half negen tot een kwartet te zijn gegroeid met een geweldige Eric Kalb (23 mei 1970 Huntington, New York) achter de drums en een kaalhoofdige tenorsaxofonist waarvan niemand de naam wist en die ik tot op heden niet heb kunnen achterhalen. De ingrediënten voor een fijn avondje tenor-orgelen waren aanwezig.

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The Ballad Of Oren Bliss

The other day we received a message from somebody who was looking for the song "The Ballad Of Oren Bliss" on the Album "Soul Liberation" by Rusty Bryant. Charles Earland on the organ. For some stupid reason we have lost this message so that's why we publish our answer in public now. We always answer messages sent to us. We never send music or copies to anybody. But we do help searching for music. We didn't know of this particular album in this request and so we browsed the web, because that is what we always do. And look what we have found to our surprise:


(Don't be) Afraid To Groove

It's always a good thing to be able to announce a new Hammond Jazz album. Yesterday we received a message by Raphael Wressnig who released a new one with the only title we know of that starts with parenthesis; (Don't be) Afraid To Groove.

Covert art

He's becoming quite productive with this second album in 2008. The previous, Cut A Little Deeper On The Funk we really liked. We can't say a sensible word about this one apart from making clear that Raphael never dissappointed us.

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A brand new dutch release

The Hammond jazz scene worldwide is not huge. In The Netherlands - as you can imagine - tiny. Who do we have in The Hammond Jazz Inventory by time of this writing? In alphabetic order on surname: Ronald van Driel, John Honddorp, Arno Krijger, Rob Mostert, Herbert Noord, Bennie Veldman, Carlo de Wijs (if we missed somebody, please let us know here). Of course there are some more jazz organists out there, think about Bert van den Brink, the dutch pianist who won the Boy Edgar award last year and plays jazz organ like hell, but ... doesn't put it on CD for us. This is why a Dutch Hammond jazz CD release is a major event. I am very happy to announce a new album by B3-Trio Plus! with Ronald van Driel as the Hammond burner, Jeroen Brokkelkamp on tenor sax, Vincent Koning on guitar and Ben Schröder on drums. The CD was recorded live at the legendary jazz cafe Kraaij & Balder, Einhoven and is appropriately called "Live". It holds five tracks; This I dig of you, Messin’ Around, Puttin’ on the ritz, Soul Eyes and Back at the Chickenshack. I haven't heard the CD yet apart from being present at the recording last year and I can tell you I had a great night. I am looking forward to re-listen to that night. The official CD presentation is the 10` of july in Jazzcafe Biblio as part of North Sea Round Town. I am really sorry I can't make it there. If you possibly can, go there.

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