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Jimmy Smith - Rockin' The Boat

Vince Seneri quote
Joey has left the company.

Bobby Forrester - Organic Chemistry

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

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Reuben Wilson - Love Bug

Jimmy Smith - Got My Mojo Workin'

Lonnie Smith Trio - Foxy Lady

Details for song Ten

Duration: 06:52
Band:Jazz Organizer »»
Album:Internos »»

Other interpretations
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Tenderly »» on album A New Sound, A New Star: Jimmy Smith at the Organ, Vol. 1 »» by Jimmy Smith »»Tenderly »» on album Groovin' It »» by Hank Marr »»Tenderly »» on album Keystone »» by Dave Stryker Organ Quartet »»
Tenor Madness »» on album Alive At Hofstra »» by The St James Ave Jazz Quartet »»Tension »» on album Tension! »» by Clayton Doley's Organ Donors »»
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