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Fred van Zegveld - Dynamite

Jimmy Smith - At The Organ, Volume 3

Joey DeFrancesco - Organic Vibes

Charles Earland - Living Black!

Das Hakan Türközü Trio - El Poder Del Hammond

Howard Roberts - Whatever's Fair

Charles Kynard - Charles Kynard

Details for album Taking My Time by Matthew Kaminski

Band:Matthew Kaminski »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Hot Dog »»07:35
2 Taking My Time »»06:29
3 Flip The Lid »»07:06
4 Sweatin' »»05:17
5 Caroline, No »»05:24
6 It Might As Well Be Spring »»06:59
7 Figures »»05:51
8 Mazzy »»09:05
9 Where Or When »»04:59
10 Moonlight In Vermont »»08:39
11 Karolina »»07:36
Micah Cadwell »»Guitar(tracks 5,6,9)
Justin Chesarek »»Drums(tracks 5,6,8-10)
Mike Hinton »»Drums(tracks 1,11)
E.J. Hughes »»Tenor sax(tracks 1,2,3,7,11)
Matthew Kaminski »»Hammond B3
Emrah Kotan »»Drums(tracks 2-4,7)
Charles Loehle »»Guitar(tracks 1-4,7,11)
Charlie Robinson »»Guitar(tracks 8,10)
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