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Houston Person - Why Not!

Jazz Rosco - Rosco's Place

Pappa John DeFrancesco - Walking Uptown

Jack McDuff - Crash

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Richard "Groove" Holmes - Living Soul

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Details for album This Is The Place by Organissimo

Band:Organissimo »»
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Wealthy Street »»
2 Greaze Monkey »»
3 Brother Ray »»
4 Smoking Section »»
5 Stomp Yo' Feets »»
6 Intro »»
7 Tenderly »»
8 Play Nice »»
9 Peaches En Regalia »»
10 Pumpkin Pie »»
Jim Alfredson »»Hammond B3
Joe Gloss »»Guitar
Randy Marsh »»Drums
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