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Jimmy Smith - Bucket!

Willis Jackson with Jack McDuff - Together Again!

Reuben Wilson

Jimmy Smith Trio - The Master II

Gerard Gibbs & ORGANized crime - To Be Or Not To B-3

Grant Green - I Want To Hold Your Hand

Peter Berstein

Details for album Classmasters by Melvin Rhyne

Band:Melvin Rhyne »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Rhyme, Rhythm And Song »»
2 Watch What Happens »»
3 What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life »»
4 Stanley's Shuffle »»
5 Don't Explain »»
6 Well, You Needn't »»
7 Oriental Flower »»
8 Search for Peace »»
9 Like Sonny »»
10 What Is This Thing Called Love? »»
Eric Alexander »»Tenor sax
Peter Bernstein »»Guitar
Melvin Rhyne »»Hammond B3
Kenny Washington »»Drums
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