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Details for album Glue by Organic Vibes

Band:Organic Vibes »»
Rating: (3 votes)
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"... a mix of urban jazz and Nordic melancholy" according to the press release. We would add "Scandinavian soundness and jazz organ swing". These guys are in control.
1 45*70 »»08:24
2 Bosse Bankrånaren »»05:14
3 Emmas Vals »»05:49
4 Glue »»08:11
5 Jodå Men Så Att »»07:15
6 Happy Hour »»04:23
7 The Tuner »»05:20
8 Joos »»06:32
9 Monkish »»05:30
10 St Hans Torv »»09:13
11 Back In Town »»06:56
Joacim Eriksson »»Hammond B3
Richard Hauer »»Guitar
Tomas Trulsson »»Saxophone
Anders Vestergård »»Drums
1 comments., write a comment

As a christmas gift to all of you we are giving away our titel track -Glue, free download at

Have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year!

Organic Vibes

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