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La Mamiwatta - Sirenes

Reuben Wilson - Movin' On

Greg Hatza

Reuben Wilson - Blue Mode

Akiko Tsuruga - Harlem Dreams

B-Trio Plus - Live

Dr. Lonnie Smit, Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves - Dr. Lonnie Smit Meets Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves

Details for album Urban Paradise by Vince Seneri

Band:Vince Seneri »»
Recorded:15 Apr 2003
Rating: (5 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Eleanor Rigby »»05:08
2 T-Bone Steak »»06:11
3 Angel Eyes »»07:42
4 Where Or When »»06:59
5 Comin' Home Baby »»05:42
6 That's All »»06:57
7 Charade »»06:56
8 Tenderly »»07:00
9 Kansas City »»05:59
10 Watermelon Man »»06:00
Bob DeVos »»Guitar
Houston Person »»Tenor sax(tracks 4,6,9)
Emedin Rivera »»Percussion
Vince Seneri »»Hammond B3
Dave Valentin »»Flute(tracks 1,5,10)
Buddy Williams »»Drums
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