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Rusty Bryant - Soul Liberation

Joey DeFrancesco - Snapshot

Details for album Full Circle by Bob Niederriter Trio

Band:Bob Niederriter Trio »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Full Circle »»04:46
2 Fata Morgana »»04:50
3 In Walked Bud »»04:17
4 O Vento Entre As Folhas (the Wind Through the Leaves) »»04:27
5 Milori »»04:53
6 Well You Needn't »»04:52
7 The Song Is You »»05:29
8 The Time Is Now »»03:30
9 Mixcoa'tl (cloud Serpent) »»05:14
10 Indiana »»03:27
11 Bemsha Swing »»03:24
12 Entropy »»01:31
Greg Bandy »»Drums
Oliver von Essen »»Organ
Bob Niederriter »»Guitar
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