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Details for album Live by B-Trio Plus!

Band:B-Trio Plus! »»
Recorded:12 Oct 2007
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B3-Trio Plus! with Ronald van Driel as the Hammond burner, Jeroen Brokkelkamp on tenor sax, Vincent Koning on guitar and Ben Schröder on drums. The CD was recorded live at the legendary jazz cafe Kraaij & Balder.
1 This I Dig Of You »»
2 Messin' Around »»
3 Puttin’ on the ritz »»
4 Soul Eyes »»
5 Back At The Chickenshack »»
Jeroen Brokkelkamp »»Tenor sax
Ronald van Driel »»Hammond A100
Vincent Koning »»Guitar
Ben Schröder »»Drums
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