The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Jimmy Smith - Hobo Flats

Odell Brown - Free Delivery

Mona Lisa Overdrive - Picknick At Bikini

Johnny Hammond Smith - Breakout

Vanessa Rodrigues - Soul Project

Johnny "Hammond" Smith

Melvin Rhyne - Classmasters

Details for musician Lonnie Smith
InstrumentHammond B3, Organ, Vocals, Piano
Bands played in
Crash with Dr. Lonnie Smith
David 'Bubba' Brooks
Dr. Lonnie Smith
Dr. Lonnie Smith, Martien Oster and the Orginal Grooves
Gloria Coleman
Jimmy McGriff
Kresten Osgoood
Lonnie Smith
Lou Donaldson
Red Holloway
The Jazzinvaders
Ximo Tébar

Afro Blue


Boogaloo To Beck

Dr. Lonnie Smith Meets Martien Oster and the Orginal Grooves


In The Beginning Volumes 1 & 2

Jungle Soul

Live At Club Mozambique    

Mama Wailer    

Move Your Hand    

Rise Up!


The Art Of Organizing

The Healer


Too Damn Hot    

Turning Point
Appears on

Modern Man

The Doctor Is In

Polka Dots And Moonbeans

Sweet Missy

McGriff's House Party

Hammond Rens

Everything I Play Is Funky

Alligator Bogaloo    

Midnight Creeper


Mr. Shing-A-Ling    

Coast To Coast

That's What You Say

Goes Blue
Related musicians
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Linda Bloemhard
Marion Booker Jr.
David Kenneth Brooks, Jr
Bobby Broom
Henry Brown
Berthil Busstra
Ron Carter
Ed Cherry
Deszon Claiborne
Billy Cobham
Gloria Coleman
George Coleman
George Coleman, Jr.
Jerry Cook
Bob Cranshaw
Ronnie Cuber
George Davis
Rolf Delfos
Lou Donaldson
Ralph Dorsey
Billy Drummond
Jan van Duikeren
Joe Dukes
Charles Earland
John Ellis
Sylvester Goshay
Andy Gravish
Donald Harrison
Ian Hendrikson-Smith
Red Holloway
Greg Hopkins
Paul Humphrey
Gregory Hutchinson
Eric Johnson
Rodney Jones
Rudy Jones
Gary Jones
Ton van der Kolk
Jonathan Kreisberg
Melvin Lastie
Jo Lawry
Jimmy Lewis
Clifford Mack
Jason Marshall
Phil Martin
Bennie Maupin
Larry McGee
Jimmy McGriff
Barend Middelhoff
Allison Miller
Blue Mitchell
Airto Moreira
Lee Morgan
Lee Morris
Idris Muhammad
Doug Munro
David Newman
Guido Nijs
Kresten Osgood
Martien Oster
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Jimmy Ponder
Julian Priester
Anders Provis
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Alvin Queen
Chuck Rainey
Kenny Rampton
Ben Riey
Herlin Riley
Little Johnny Rivero
Lafrae Olivia Sci
James Shipp
David Sikula
Marvin Smith
Melvin Sparks
Fukushi Tainaka
Ximo Tébar
Martin Verdonk
Kenny Washington
Grover Washington
Tilden Webb
Cory Weeds
Frank Wess
Jack Wilkins
Jamire Williams
Lonnie Smith on Youtube
Dr. Lonnie Smith solo

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