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Big Organ Trio - Unwound

We couldn't resist yet another way to express ourself. From now on we will submit fragments of our Hammond organ jazz oriented mind on Twitter.

Roland Kirk with Jack McDuff - Kirk's Work

T.C. Pfeiler - For H.G.B.S.

John Abercrombie - While We're Young

Mauri Sanchis

Ronald van Driel

Tony Monaco - Fiery Blues

Details for song Fire Eater

Title:Fire Eater
Duration: 09:30
Band:Rusty Bryant »»
Album:Fire Eater »»

Other interpretations
Fire Eater »» on album Groovin' For Little V »» by Jan Kořínek and Groove »»
1 comments., write a comment

fire eater
this song is so great on every level, first of all its easy to hear. Its a straight jam in G and there are some hits , its kind of a blues but not really
its catchy ,its groovy, and all these mofos can play!

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