The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Jimmy Smith - At The Organ, Volume 2

Grant Green - Alive!

B-Trio Plus - Live

Dr. Lonnie Smit, Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves - Dr. Lonnie Smit Meets Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves

Charles Kynard - Professor Soul

Brother Jack McDuff - A Change Is Gonna Come

Rusty Bryant

Details for band Rusty Bryant

Fire Eater


Soul Liberation

Wild Fire
Musicians that recorded with this band
Rusty Bryant
Bob Bushnell
Buddy Caldwell
Charles Earland
Grant Green
Virgil Jones
Wilbert Longmire
Herbie Lovelle
Bill Mason
Idris Muhammad
Sonny Phillips
Jimmy Ponder
Ernest Reed
Melvin Sparks
Leon Spencer
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