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Lou Donaldson - The Natural Soul

Willis Jackson

Joey DeFrancecso - Where Were You

Jimmy Smith - The Boss

Barbara Dennerlein - Outhipped

Papa John DeFrancesco

Jeff Barone

Details for album Relentless by Danny Gatton, Joey DeFrancesco

Band:Danny Gatton, Joey DeFrancesco »»
Rating: (6 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Fine »»
2 Broadway »»
3 Kindred Spirits »»
4 Chess Players »»
5 Gearheads »»
6 Blues on the Half Shell »»
7 Pits »»
8 Big Mo »»
9 Well, You Needn't »»
Timm Biery »»Drums
Joey DeFrancesco »»Hammond B3
Danny Gatton »»Guitar
John Previti »»Bass
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