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Reuben Wilson

Hammond Tonewheel Organ Webring

Eddy Louiss Trio - Eddy Louiss Trio

Lonnie Smith - Drives

Dr Lonnie Smith - Rise Up!

Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet - Never Enough

Jimmy Smith - Bashin'

Details for album Hifi Apartment by Advanced Warning

Band:Advanced Warning »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Touch of a scorpion »»
2 Hi-Fi Apartment »»
3 Je chante Miou Miou »»
4 Bea's Flat »»
5 Ode to Odell »»
6 Breakable »»
7 Gimme A Break »»
8 Je Chante Miou Miou »»
9 I Am A Lushhead »»
10 John Stone Stomp »»
11 Looking At Things Passing By »»
12 Doubts »»
13 On A Sunday Afternoon »»
14 Song For My Mother »»
15 W'Have The Blues »»
Rinus Groeneveld »»Tenor sax
Roberto Haliffi »»Percussion
Tommy D. Jones »»Vocals
Pierre van der Linden »»Drums
Herbert Noord »»Hammond B3
Paul Weeden »»Guitar
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