The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Shirley Scott - A Walkin' Thing

Barbara Dennerlein - Hot Stuff

Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis - Streetlights

Lonnie Smith - Think!

Linda Dachtyl - For Hep Cats

Jimmy Smith - Bucket!

Jimmy Smith - Bluesmith

Details for musician Frank Wess
InstrumentTenor sax, Flute
Bands played in
Akiko Tsuruga
Charles Earland
Jimmy McGriff
Melvin Sparks
Red Holloway
Appears on

Harlem Dreams

Infant Eyes

Straight Up


Coast To Coast
Related musicians
Wayne Boyd
Buddy Caldwell
George Coleman
Charles Earland
Sonny Fortune
Mack Goldsbury
Bill Hardman
Red Holloway
Paul Humphrey
Satoshi Inoue
Rodney Jones
Lawrence Killian
Jimmy McGriff
Idris Muhammad
David Newman
Jimmy Ponder
Bernard Purdie
Ernie Royal
Lonnie Smith
Melvin Sparks
Leon Spencer
Grady Tate
Akiko Tsuruga
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