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Joe Ascione

Freddie Roach - Down To Earth

George Benson Quartet - It's Uptown

Freddie Roach

B3Madness - It's Never Too Late

George Benson

Seleno Clarke - All In One Diversity by Seleno Clarke

Details for album Goes Blue by Ximo Tébar

Band:Ximo Tébar »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Goes Blue »»06:00
2 I Love You »»06:06
3 Laura »»05:51
4 Days Of Wine And Roses »»07:54
5 Invitation »»08:20
6 Midnight Creeper »»06:27
7 Come To Me »»07:32
8 Blues Walk »»06:39
Lou Donaldson »»Alt sax(tracks 3,6,8)
Idris Muhammad »»Drums
Lonnie Smith »»Hammond B3
Ximo Tébar »»Guitar
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