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Jake Langley - Movin' & Groovin'

Odell Brown & The Organ-Izers - Ducky

Jimmy Smith - A Date With Jimmy Smith, Volume One

Grant Green - Iron City

Melvin Rhyne Trio - The Legend

Dr. Lonnie Smith - Boogaloo To Beck

Ronnie Foster - Sweet Revival

Details for musician George Benson
Born22 Mar 1942, Pittsburgh, USA
Bands played in
Brother Jack McDuff
George Benson With The Brother Jack McDuff Quartet
Jack McDuff
Jimmy Smith
Lonnie Smith
Lou Donaldson

The New Boss Guitar
Appears on

Hot Barbeque

Soul Survivors

The Last Goodun'

Bringin' It Home

Color Me Blue

The Soulful Drums    

The Boss


Live At Club Mozambique    

Midnight Creeper

Alligator Bogaloo    
Related musicians
Kevin Axt
Donald Bailey
Andrew Beals
Bob Cranshaw
Hank Crawford
Ronnie Cuber
Lou Donaldson
Joe Dukes
Ron Eschete
Jimmy Forrest
Eric Gale
Larry Gales
Frank Gravis
John Hart
Red Holloway
Greg Hopkins
Montego Joe
Gary Jones
Melvin Lastie
Mel Lewis
Clifford Mack
Jack McDuff
Jimmy McGriff
Blue Mitchell
Lee Morris
Idris Muhammad
Denise Perrier
Rudy Petschauer
Jim Pittsburgh
Bernard Purdie
Ben Riey
Lonnie Smith
Johnny 'Hammond' Smith
Jimmy Smith
Grady Tate
Phil Upchurch
Grover Washington
Jerry Weldon
Mark Whitfield
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