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Greg Hatza

B-Trio Plus - Live

Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio - In Between

Dr. Lonnie Smit, Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves - Dr. Lonnie Smit Meets Martien Oster and The Orginal Grooves

Rusty Bryant

Mel Rhyne - Organ-izing

Jimmy Smith - Plays Pretty Just For You

Details for album The Art Of Organizing by Dr. Lonnie Smith

Band:Dr. Lonnie Smith »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 When We Kissed At Night »»08:47
2 My Little Suede Shoes »»07:24
3 This Ain't Right »»09:24
4 Polka Dots And Moonbeams »»05:18
5 Softly As In A Morning Sunrise »»07:48
6 Turning Point »»08:26
7 Night Song »»11:16
8 Too Damn Hot »»06:39
Peter Bernstein »»Guitar
Billy Drummond »»Drums
Lonnie Smith »»Hammond B3
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