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Joey DeFrancesco - Finger Poppin'

Jimmy McGriff - Feelin' It

Jimmy McGriff - The Worm

Paul Bollenback

Scott Hamilton - Organic Duke

Red Holloway - Go Red Go!

Reuben Wilson - The Cisco Kid

Details for song The Cat

Title:The Cat
Duration: 03:24
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:The Cat »»

Other interpretations
The Cat »» on album The B-3 And Me »» by Davell Crawford »»The Cat »» on album Side Seeing »» by B-Trio Plus! »»The Cat »» on album The Champ »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
The Cat »» on album Returns »» by Rusty Bryant »»The Cat »» on album Talking To The World »» by Maggy Scott »»The Cat »» on album Hip Cake Walk »» by Papa John DeFrancesco »»
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