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Lyman Woodard Organization - Saturday Night Special

Jimmy Smith - A Date With Jimmy Smith, Volume One

Jimmy Smith - The Sermon

Danny Gatton

Organissimo - Groovadelphia

Dr. Lonnie Smith - Boogaloo To Beck

Pierre Sward

Details for album The B-3 And Me by Davell Crawford

Band:Davell Crawford »»
Rating: (8 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Ooh Wee Sugar »»
2 Struttin' »»
3 The Cat »»
4 Stormy Weather »»
5 House That Jack Built »»
6 Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone »»
7 Uptown »»
8 I Can't Stop Loving You »»
9 I Can't Give You Anything But Love »»
10 Hallelujah I Love Her So »»
Davell Crawford »»Hammond B3
Clarence Johnson, III »»Tenor sax
Shannon Powel »»Drums
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