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Houston Person - Goodness

Scone Cash Players - The Mind Blower

Larry Goldings - Big Stuff

Jan Kořínek and Groove featuring Eb Davis - I Write The Checks

Dr. Lonnie Smith - The Art Of Organizing

The Demagogue Reacts! - Action/Reaction

Organized Time - Photograph

Details for album The Champ by Joey DeFrancesco

Band:Joey DeFrancesco »»
Recorded:27 May 1998
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 The Champ »»
2 Mack The Knife »»
3 When Johnnie Comes Marchin' Home »»
4 Lover Man Oh Where Can You Be »»
5 Organ Grinder's Swing »»
6 OGD »»
7 The Preacher »»
8 Walk On The Wild Side »»
9 The Cat »»
Joey DeFrancesco »»Hammond B3
Billy Hart »»Drums
Randy Johnston »»Guitar
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