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John Abercrombie - While We're Young

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Ondrej Pivec - Overseason

Jimmy McGriff quote
Music is like a wheel, When you drive a car down a street, you might go down the same street, but you'll run over something today that wasn't there yesterday, so that puts a new look on that tire, and that's the way music is. When it goes over, it picks up something that wasn't there before.

Howard Roberts

Tony Monaco - Fiery Blues

Jimmy Smith & Joey DeFrancesco

Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Blue Lights

Roland Kirk with Jack McDuff - Kirk's Work

Details for song It Might As Well Be Spring

Title:It Might As Well Be Spring
Duration: Unknown
Band:Ike Quebec »»
Album:It Might As Well Be Spring »»

Other interpretations
It Might As Well Be Spring »» on album Standards »» by Jimmy Smith »»It Might As Well Be Spring »» on album After Hours »» by Richard Holmes »»It Might As Well Be Spring »» on album Taking My Time »» by Matthew Kaminski »»
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