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Advanced Warning - Hifi Apartment

Bill Mason - Gettin' Off

Eddy Louiss

Papa John DeFrancesco - A Philadelphia Story

Stanley Turrentine - Never Let Me Go

Bobby Pierce - New York

Grady Tate

Details for album Hank & Frank by Hank Marr

Band:Hank Marr »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 B Jam Shuffle »»
2 Kathern The Great »»
3 Your Basic Gospel Tune »»
4 Basie-cally Speaking »»
5 I'm Saving All My Sweet Hugs 4U »»
6 Paris In April »»
7 Just A Closer Walk With Thee »»
8 If I Had You »»
9 The Very Thought Of You »»
10 Stolen Sweets »»
11 Rhythmesque »»
Cal Collins »»Guitar
Frank Foster »»Tenor sax
Hank Marr »»Hammond B3
Jim Rupp »»Drums
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