The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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John-paul Gard - Pedalboy FM

Five hundredth album
On April 15, 2011 we added the five hundredth album to The Hammond Jazz Inventory and wrote an article about it. Read more here.

Stan Hunter & Sonny Fortune - Trip On The Strip

Pete Fallico quote
There are so many wonderful musicians around the world who have sat at the Hammond organ and played for years that I still do not know about!

Ondrej Pivec Organic Quartet - Don't Get Ideas

Gene Ammons - Brother Jug!

Radam Schwartz - Blues Citizens

Sam Yahel Trio - Thruth And Beauty

Wil Blades

Details for song St. Thomas

Title:St. Thomas
Duration: Unknown
Band:Ximo Tébar »»
Album:The Champs »»

Other interpretations
St. Thomas »» on album Legacy »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»St. Thomas »» on album Brothers 4 »» by Sonny Stitt & Don Patterson »»St. Thomas »» on album Go Red Go! »» by Red Holloway »»
St. Thomas »» on album Donny Brook »» by Don Patterson »»St. Thomas »» on album American Pie »» by Groove Holmes »»
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