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Eddie 'LockJaw' Davis - Jaws In Orbit

Jimmy Smith - Any Number Can Win

Jimmy McGriff quote
Music is like a wheel, When you drive a car down a street, you might go down the same street, but you'll run over something today that wasn't there yesterday, so that puts a new look on that tire, and that's the way music is. When it goes over, it picks up something that wasn't there before.

Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio - Boom Bello

Charles Earland - Leaving This Planet

Joey DeFrancecso - All Of Me

The Three Souls - Dangerous Dan Express

Houston Person

Details for song St. Thomas

Title:St. Thomas
Duration: Unknown
Band:Red Holloway »»
Album:Go Red Go! »»

Other interpretations
St. Thomas »» on album Legacy »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»St. Thomas »» on album Brothers 4 »» by Sonny Stitt & Don Patterson »»St. Thomas »» on album Donny Brook »» by Don Patterson »»
St. Thomas »» on album American Pie »» by Groove Holmes »»St. Thomas »» on album The Champs »» by Ximo Tébar »»
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