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Fred van Zegveld - Dynamite

Charles Kynard - Charles Kynard

The Greg Hatza ORGANization - The Greg Hatza Organization

Vito Di Modugno - Vito Di Modugno Organ Trio Plus Guest

The Bruce Katz Band - A Deeper Blue

Joey DeFrancecso - Reboppin'

Charles Earland - Blowing The Blues Away

Details for album Organ Donor by Reuben Wilson

Band:Reuben Wilson »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Hot Rod »»
2 Orange Peel »»
3 Now's The Time »»
4 Groovin' »»
5 Trouble Man »»
6 Got to Get Your Own '98 »»
7 Ronnie's Bonnie »»
8 Organ Donor »»
Saundra Williams Starr Adkins »»Vocals(tracks 4,6)
Melvin Butler »»Alt sax
Tenor sax
Bruce Flowers »»Keyboards
Jason Forsythe »»Trombone
Adrian Harpham »»Drums
Robin Macatangay »»Guitar
Donny Mcaslin »»Flute
Tenor sax
Chris Parks »»Bass
Kenny Rampton »»Trumpet
Ricardo Rodriquez »»Percussion
Reuben Wilson »»Hammond B3
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