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Larry Goldings - As One

Ronnie Foster

Adam Scone - The Wild New Electric Organ Sound Of Adam Scone

Jimmy McGriff - Fly Dude

Brother Jack McDuff & David Newman - Double Barrelled Soul

Organissimo - This Is The Place

Pete Levin - Certified Organic

Details for album Ménage Artois by Paul Flush - Charles Loos - Luc Vanden Bosch

Band:Paul Flush - Charles Loos - Luc Vanden Bosch »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Besame Mucho »»06:49
2 Catch The Passing Moment »»06:06
3 Dramamine »»06:18
4 My Duck Has Flown »»05:20
5 MMM »»05:44
6 Infinity »»05:40
7 Latin Tune No.3 »»05:44
8 Black Blues »»06:25
9 Somewhere In America »»04:31
10 Du Tac Au Tac »»10:40
11 For Whatever Reasons »»07:35
Luc Vanden Bosch »»Drums
Paul Flush »»Hammond
Charles Loos »»Piano
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