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Odell Brown - Free Delivery

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Raphael Wressnig & Alex Schultz - (Don't Be) Afraid To Groove

Jimmy Smith & Joey DeFrancesco

Conspiracy For Positivity - Magic Tales

Vanessa Rodrigues - Soul Project

Stan Getz - Dynasty

Alberto Marsico - Organ Logistics

Details for song Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be)

Title:Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be)
Duration: 06:01
Band:Rhoda Scott »»
Album:Stardust »»

Other interpretations
Lover Man »» on album House Party »» by Jimmy Smith »»Lover Man »» on album It Might As Well Be Spring »» by Ike Quebec »»Lover Man »» on album Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise »» by Jimmy Smith »»
Lover Man »» on album T.C. Pfeiler Live At Club Art & Music »» by T.C. Pfeiler »»Lover Man Oh Where Can You Be »» on album The Champ »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
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