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Grant Green - His Majesty King Funk

Rusty Bryant - Returns

Herbert Noord

Reuben Wilson - A Groovy Situation

Larry Young - Young Blues

Ralph Lalama

Dr. Lonnie Smith

Details for album Stardust by Rhoda Scott

Band:Rhoda Scott »»
Rating: (1 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Stardust »»07:02
2 Manhattan »»04:06
3 Groggy »»04:13
4 Moonlight Serenade »»04:22
5 Stormy Weather »»06:33
6 Long Ago (And Far Away) »»05:27
7 Un Jour Tu Ferras »»04:16
8 Ballade For Michel »»05:00
9 Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be) »»06:01
10 Sweet Cool »»05:05
11 Tenderly »»05:32
Rhoda Scott »»Hammond B3
Michael Silva »»Drums
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