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Willis Jackson - Blue Gator

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Jimmy Smith - Six Views Of The Blues

Lou Donaldson quote
...the pulse is what really brings people to the music — even rap musicians are smart enough to make a rhythm track first. Unfortunately, they start rapping on top of it...

Barbara Dennerlein

Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff - Road Tested

Randy Johnston

Papa John DeFrancesco - A Philadelphia Story

Jimmy McGriff - A Bag Full Of Blues

Details for song Lover Man

Title:Lover Man
Duration: Unknown
Band:Ike Quebec »»
Album:It Might As Well Be Spring »»

Other interpretations
Lover Man »» on album House Party »» by Jimmy Smith »»Lover Man »» on album Groovin' At Smalls' Paradise »» by Jimmy Smith »»Lover Man »» on album T.C. Pfeiler Live At Club Art & Music »» by T.C. Pfeiler »»
Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be) »» on album Stardust »» by Rhoda Scott »»Lover Man Oh Where Can You Be »» on album The Champ »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
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