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Stanley Turrentine - Never Let Me Go

Greg Hatza Quote
Anyone who claims to have mastered their instrument in one lifetime, has mastered nothing but the art of self-delusion.

Papa John DeFrancesco - A Philadelphia Story

Kenny Burrel

Willis Jackson - Blue Gator

Bernard Purdie

Akiko Tsuruga - Harlem Dreams

Billy Larkin & The Delegates - Hold On!

Details for song God Bless The Child

Title:God Bless The Child
Duration: Unknown
Band:Jake Langley »»
Album:Diggin' In »»

Other interpretations
God Bless The Child »» on album Manic Organic »» by Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio »»God Bless The Child »» on album Never Let Me Go »» by Stanley Turrentine »»God Bless The Child »» on album What's New »» by Jimmy Ponder »»
God Bless The Child »» on album o j t + b »» by Bukeka Shoals With Ken Lovern's Organ Jazz Trio »»God Bless The Child »» on album Alexander The Great »» by Eric Alexander »»God Bless The Child »» on album Songs We Love »» by Atsuko Hashimoto Organ Trio »»
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