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LDB3 And Friends - Blue Bop

Jimmy McGriff - I've Got A Woman

Odell Brown & The Organ-Izers - Ducky

Russell Malone

Hank Marr - Blues'n And Cruisin'

John Hondorp Tio - Open Stories

Bill Heid - Bop Rascal

Details for song God Bless The Child

Title:God Bless The Child
Duration: Unknown
Band:Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio »»
Album:Manic Organic »»

Other interpretations
God Bless The Child »» on album Never Let Me Go »» by Stanley Turrentine »»God Bless The Child »» on album Diggin' In »» by Jake Langley »»God Bless The Child »» on album What's New »» by Jimmy Ponder »»
God Bless The Child »» on album o j t + b »» by Bukeka Shoals With Ken Lovern's Organ Jazz Trio »»God Bless The Child »» on album Alexander The Great »» by Eric Alexander »»God Bless The Child »» on album Songs We Love »» by Atsuko Hashimoto Organ Trio »»
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