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Pat Bianci - East Coast Roots

Richard "Groove" Holmes - That Healin' Feelin'

Shirley Scott - The Soul Is Willing

Lou Donaldson - Say It Loud

Rhoda Scott - Stardust

Don Patterson - Donny Brook

Jimmy Smith - Damn!

Details for album You Are Busted by Advanced Warning

Band:Advanced Warning »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Mobile To Harlem »»16:44
2 FHS »»13:08
3 Get It Right Baby »»09:22
4 Paul's Blues »»13:58
5 There Will Never Be Another You »»17:13
Charles Green »»Trumpet
Rick Hollander »»Drums
Fred Leeflang »»Tenor sax
Herbert Noord »»Hammond B3
Hammond C3
Paul Weeden »»Guitar
Vocals(tracks 3)
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