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Pete Levin - Deacon Blues

Bob DeVos - Playing For Keeps

John Abercrombie - While We're Young

Lils Mackintosh

Jimmy Smith - Portuguese Soul

Bruno Erminero Trio - Listen To My Soul

Roland Kirk with Jack McDuff - Kirk's Work

Details for album o j t + b by Bukeka Shoals With Ken Lovern's Organ Jazz Trio

Band:Bukeka Shoals With Ken Lovern's Organ Jazz Trio »»
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vocal Hammond Jazz really well done, a rarity.
1 Big Yello Taxi »»03:59
2 T'Ain't Nobody's Bizness »»03:02
3 Night And Day »»04:30
4 Never Can Say Goodbye »»
5 Fat Daddy »»04:20
6 Middle Of The Road »»04:52
7 God Bless The Child »»06:03
8 Venus »»04:20
9 I Love's You Porgy »»05:21
Brian Baggett »»Guitar
Kevin Frazee »»Drums
Ken Lovern »»Hammond
Bukeka Shoals »»Vocals
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