The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Baby Face Willette - Mo` Rock

Advanced Warning - Cut The Crap

Vince Seneri - Urban Paradise

Bobby Forrester - Organist

Ben Waghorn

Eddie Gladden

Rhoda Scott - Alone

Details for band Brother Jack McDuff

A Change Is Gonna Come

Down Home Style

Hot Barbeque


That's the Way I Feel About It

Tobacco Road
Musicians that recorded with this band
Jay Arnold
Andrew Beals
George Benson
Fred Berry
Kenny Burrell
Bobby Christian
Arthur Clarke
George Coleman
Sammy Creason
Joe Dukes
Cornell Dupree
Roland Faulkner
Charlie Freeman
Cal Green
Loyal J. Gresham
John Grimes
Robert Guthrie
Richard Harris
John Hart
Red Holloway
Harold Johnson
King Kolax
Buddy Lucas
Jack McDuff
James Oliver
Chris Potter
Bernard Purdie
Kip Reed
Lonnie Simmons
Warren T. Smith Jr.
Danny Turner
James Tyrrell
John Watson
Jerry Weldon
Leo Wright
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