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Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Jimmy Smith - Midnight Special

Richard 'Groove' Holmes - Groove's Groove

Nicole Thorne

Grant Green

Shirley Scott with The Latin Jazz Quintet - Mucho, Mucho

Stanley Turrentine

Details for song Goodbye

Duration: Unknown
Band:Joey DeFrancesco »»
Album:One For Rudy »»

Other interpretations
Goodbye Paris »» on album Blue Lou's Blues »» by Lou Bennett »»Goodbye Pork Pie Hat »» on album Beef Dumplin' Stew »» by Pedal Mania »»Goodbye Pork Pie Hat »» on album Here And Now »» by Jake Langley »»
Goodbye, Good Luck, I'm Gone! »» on album Color Him Funky »» by The Howard Roberts Quartet »»
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