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Sam Yahel - Trio

Jimmy Smith - Fourmost return

Colleen McNabb

Jimmy McGriff - McGriff's House Party

Rhoda Scott - Frame For The Blues

Jimmy Smith - House Party

Charles Earland - Smokin'

Details for album Color Him Funky by The Howard Roberts Quartet

Band:The Howard Roberts Quartet »»
Recorded:Between 12 Feb 1963 and 13 Feb 1963
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Florence Of Arabia »»
2 What Kind Of Fool Am I? »»
3 Sack O' Woe »»
4 When Lights Are Low »»
5 How Down »»
6 Shiny Stockings »»
7 Goodbye, Good Luck, I'm Gone! »»
8 One Long Day »»
9 The Peeper »»
10 Days Of Wine & Roses »»
11 Down Under »»
12 Color Him Funky »»
Chuck Berghofer »»Bass
Paul Bryant »»Organ
Earl Palmer »»Drums
Howard Roberts »»Guitar
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