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Lonnie Smith - Mama Wailer

Reuben Wilson - Blue Mode

Matthieu Marthouret Organ Quartet - Upbeats

Bill Heid - Bop Rascal

Larry Young - Mothership

Jerry Weldon

René Thomas - Meeting Mister Thomas

Details for song Caravan

Duration: 05:30
Band:Wild Bill Moore Quintet »»
Album:Bottom Groove »»

Other interpretations
Caravan »» on album Say It Loud »» by Lou Donaldson »»Caravan »» on album Road Tested »» by Hank Crawford & Jimmy McGriff »»Caravan »» on album Omnipotent »» by Lewinsky quartet »»
Caravan »» on album The Incredible Jimmy Smith At Club Baby Grand, Volume 2 »» by Jimmy Smith »»
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