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Peter Bernstein - Brain Dance

T.C. Pfeiler - Live At Club Art & Music by T.C. Pfeiler

Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio - In Between

The Veldman Brothers - Home

Mel Rhyne - Organ-izing

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Lou Bennett - Enfin!

Details for album Herb Ellis Meets T.C. Pfeiler by T.C. Pfeiler

Band:T.C. Pfeiler »»
Recorded:Between 27 Nov 1994 and 15 Feb 1995
Rating:No ratings. Be the first to rate this album.
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Rough Work »»
2 Bluer Than Blue »»
3 Minor Paint »»
4 Lester Leaps In »»
5 What's New (I'm Free) »»
6 Bernie's Tune »»
7 Moon River »»
8 Yesterdays »»
9 How High The Moon »»
10 Bloody Thumb »»
11 By the Bend Of The River »»
Herb Berger »»Tenor sax(tracks 2-4)
Herb Ellis »»Guitar(tracks 1-9)
Michael Honzak »»Drums(tracks 1-9)
T.C. Pfeiler »»Hammond B3
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