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Ron Levy's Wild Kingdom - VooDoo Boogaloo

Jimmy Smith Trio - Live At The Village Gate

Lou Donaldson - Midnight Creeper

Charles Earland - Black Talk

Papa John DeFrancesco - Big Shot

John Scofield - A Go Go

Grant Green - Live At The Lighthouse

Details for album Say It Loud by Lou Donaldson

Band:Lou Donaldson »»
Rating: (4 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud) »»
2 Summertime »»
3 Caravan »»
4 Snake Bone »»
5 Brother Soul »»
Lou Donaldson »»Alt sax
Charles Earland »»Hammond B3
Blue Mitchell »»Trumpet
Idris Muhammad »»Drums
Jimmy Ponder »»Guitar
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