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Jimmy Smith - I'm Movin' On

George Benson Quartet - It's Uptown

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Joe Ascione

B3Madness - It's Never Too Late

Reuben Wilson - The Sweet Life

Red Holloway - Coast To Coast

Richard Holmes - A Bowl Of Soul

Details for song Broadway

Duration: 03:18
Band:Lloyd Wallace Trio »»
Album:New Thing »»

Other interpretations
Broadway »» on album Color Me Blue »» by Jack McDuff »»Broadway »» on album Relentless »» by Danny Gatton, Joey DeFrancesco »»Broadway »» on album Broadway »» by Richard "Groove" Holmes »»
Broadway »» on album Sweet & Funky »» by Akiko Tsuruga »»
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