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Rhoda Scott - Encore, encore, encore

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Jimmy McGriff - Fly Dude

David Gibson - A Little Somethin'

Sid Jacobs, Marco Collazzo, Bruno Erminero - An Evening With...

Harold Vick - Steppin' Out

Rusty Bryant - Returns

Ralph Lalama

Details for song The Jody Grind

Title:The Jody Grind
Duration: 05:23
Band:Jake Langley »»
Album:Doug's Garage »»

Other interpretations
The Jody Grind »» on album Trouble Shootin' »» by Stefano di Battista »»The Jody Grind »» on album Finger Poppin' »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»The Jody Grind »» on album True Blue »» by Raphael Wressnig »»
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