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Pat Bianci - East Coast Roots

Don Patterson - Donny Brook

The Greg Hatza ORGANization - Snake Eyes

Mauri Sanchis

Danny Gatton, Joey DeFrancesco - Relentless

Mel Brown B-3 Organ Quartet - Live At The Britt Festival

Joey DeFrancesco - All Or Nothing At All

Details for band Raphael Wressnig

Party Factor

True Blue
Musicians that recorded with this band
Christian Bachner
Robert Bachner
Gordon Beadle
Silvio Berger
Graig Handy
Georg Jantscher
Lukas Knöfler
Jim Mullen
Werner Puntigam
Luis Ribeiro
Horst-Michael Schaffer
Alex Schultz
Harry Sokal
Scott Steen
Raphael Wressnig
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