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The St James Ave Jazz Quartet - Alive At Hofstra

Lou Donaldson quote
...the pulse is what really brings people to the music — even rap musicians are smart enough to make a rhythm track first. Unfortunately, they start rapping on top of it...

Marco Collazzoni & Luca Bonifazi Quartet - De Luxe

Fred van Zegveld - Dynamite

Pappa John DeFrancesco - Walking Uptown

Joey DeFrancecso - Reboppin'

Akiko Tsuruga - Oriental Express

Michel Bénébig - Live In Melbourne

Details for song My Romance

Title:My Romance
Duration: 05:30
Band:Jazz Organizer »»
Album:Internos »»

Other interpretations
My Romance »» on album Frame For The Blues »» by Rhoda Scott »»My Romance »» on album One Take »» by Joey DeFrancesco »»
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