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Oscar Marchioni - Croccodile Hammond Grooves

Charles Earland - Slammin' & Jammin'

Joey DeFrancesco - The Champ Round 2

Big John Patton - The Way I Feel

Alberto Marsico - Organ Logistics

Charles Earland - Black Drops

Shirley Scott - Something

Details for album Big Organ Trio by Big Organ Trio

Band:Big Organ Trio »»
Rating: (3 votes)
Your rating:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Diva Mode »»
2 Number 9 »»
3 Holy Roller »»
4 Down and Dirty »»
5 Earthquake »»
6 Organ Grinder »»
7 Dim the Lights »»
8 Showtime »»
9 Clown Boy »»
10 Road Rage »»
Ken Barclay »»Guitar(tracks 2,3)
Bernie Bauer »»Electric bass
Damion Corideo »»Percussion(tracks 1,6)
Mike Mangan »»Hammond B3
Brett McConnell »»Drums
Mike Sirkin »»Flute(tracks 6)
Saxophone(tracks 1)
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