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Jackie McLean

Odell Brown & The Organ-Izers - Raising The Roof

The Howard Roberts Quartet - H.R. Is A Dirty Guitar Player

T.C. Pfeiler - Herb Ellis Meets T.C. Pfeiler

Lonnie Smith - Afrodesia

Bobby Forrester - Organic Chemistry

Jimmy Smith - Got My Mojo Workin'

Details for musician Zoot Sims
InstrumentTenor sax
Born29 Oct 1925, Queens, New York, USA
Died25 Mar 1982, Ney York, USA
Bands played in
Jimmy Smith
Appears on

Hobo Flats
Related musicians
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Phil Woods
1 comments., write a comment

Ha die Taeke
Hoi Taeke,

Ik zie dat je ook Zoot Sims in je rijtje hebt staan en Stanley Turrentine. Ik heb daar wel een aantal cd's van.

Mario Seekles

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