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T.C. Pfeiler - For H.G.B.S.

Dr. Lonnie Smith quote
I really was thinking Jimmy Smith but it just always came out different

Red Holloway - Coast To Coast

Jimmy Smith quote
I copped my solos from horn players. I don't listen to keyboard players. I can't get what I want from keyboard players.

Charles Kynard - Professor Soul

Reuben Wilson - The Sweet Life

Mauri Sanchis

Vince Seneri

Richard Holmes - A Bowl Of Soul

Details for song Ode To Billy Joe

Title:Ode To Billy Joe
Duration: 06:25
Band:Jimmy Smith »»
Album:Groove Drops »»

Other interpretations
Ode To Billy Joe »» on album Dr. Feelgood »» by Billy Larkin & The Delegates »»
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