The Hammond Jazz Inventory
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Jimmy Smith - Six Views Of The Blues

Gianni Giudici

Willis Jackson - Blue Gator

Brother Jack McDuff - Hot Barbeque

Joey DeFrancecso - The Street Of Dreams

The Tenor Triange with The Melvin Rhyne Trio - Aztec Blues

Bob DeVos - Breaking The Ice

Details for band Billy Larkin & The Delegates

Ain't That A Groove

Blue Lights

Don't Stop

Dr. Feelgood

Hold On!

Hole In The Wall

Musicians that recorded with this band
Ralph Black
John Bondreaux Jr.
Mel Brown
Jimmy Daniels
Wilton Felder
Leon Flowers
Wilbert Eugene Hemsley
Kenneth Johnson
Jesse Kilpatrick
Billy Larkin
Delmus Larkin
Dan Mason
Ernest Nabetoo
Clifford Scott
Hank Swarn
Arthur James Fats Theus
Willie Torrance
Donald Weaver
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